How influence the Colour of the coffee mug

How influence the Colour of the coffee mug
Coffee mug

Do we know the colour of the mug influence the taste of our coffee?? Yes. The idea for the study came to Australian researcher Geroge Van Doorn who was told that when coffee is consumed from a white cup, ceramic mug, it tastes more bitter than when drunk from a clear glass mug. How influence the Colour of the coffee mug

How influence the Colour of the coffee mug

How influence the Colour of the coffee mug
Coffee mug

Van Doorn and his colleagues put the theory to the test by offering 30 volunteers a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk in three different colored mug white, blue and transparent.

People who drank from the white mug rated the coffee as more intense and less sweet than when served the same beverage in blue or transparent cup. How influence the Colour of the coffee mug

These results support the view that the colour of the mug should be considered by those serving coffee as it can influence the consumer’s multisensory coffee drinking experience, Van doorn pointed out.

The author concluded that the colour contrast between the coffee and the white cup offer one explanation for the results. When coffee was perceived as darker, it could influence how people found the taste to be stronger.How influence the Colour of the coffee mug

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