10 Reasons to eat oranges


10 Reasons to eat oranges

We’ve been hearing since childhood that ‘An Apple a Day Keeps Doctor Away’ which is true to much extent, but apple is not the only fruit with diverse qualities. It was only while I was reading about the nutritional content and health benefits of oranges that I realized how underrated a fruit orange is! 10 Reasons to eat oranges

10 Reasons to eat oranges

Brimmed with over 60 flavonoids and 170 phyto-chemicals, orange is one of the most nutritive fruits widely available all across the globe. Precisely, following are the nutrients that orange contains: 10 Reasons to eat oranges

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B-6
  • Dietary Fiber
  • Potassium
  • Protein

Another quality of oranges is that its quite a versatile food. You can make juice out of it, add it to cakes, prepare jams, jellies or simply have it just like that. They make an excellent mid-meals snack too! Here are some reasons that would compel you to eat an orange everyday 10 Reasons to eat oranges

10 Reasons to eat oranges

  1. Great source of Vitamin C – The first thing that comes to mind when reference of oranges comes is that it’s a citrus fruit. In other words, its among the topmost richest sources of Vitamin C which is a crucial nutrient for human body. It keeps our immune system strong and prevents from cold, flu and other infections. One orange every day is capable of giving our body 67% of its Vitamin C requirement. 10 Reasons to eat oranges
  2. Good for weight loss – For all those on a weight loss spree, having an orange as a daily routine can do wonders. Containing pectin in large amounts, it suppresses hunger thus helping you avoid unhealthy and untimely snack munching. 10 Reasons to eat oranges
  3. Easy availability – People who keep moving around places find it hard to form habit of having certain fruits as a part of their daily diet. And if you are also one of those people, then the good news for you is that oranges are easily available not only almost all through the country but across the world. So you don’t have to bother yourself a lot for finding it anywhere. 10 Reasons to eat oranges
  4. Reduces risk of heart problems – If you include an orange in your fruit intake everyday, you will supply your body with enough flavonoids so as to reduce the risk of heart diseases by as much as 50%. In fact, presence of Vitamin B foliate also ensures a healthy heart. 10 Reasons to eat oranges
  5. Gives a glowing skin – Each and every part of orange from its pulp to its peel to its seed is just superb for your skin. Eat the entire pulp, while you can save a spoonful or two in order to apply it on your face. It will clear out all the pores resulting in a plump and glowing skin. About the peel and seeds, dry them in shade and grind well to form a powder (for this you would need plenty of peels, so this has to be a continuous task of saving and drying the peels). Now add this powder to any homemade face pack you apply. A single use will show exceptional results. 10 Reasons to eat oranges
  6. Prevents skin aging – Oranges are loaded with anti-oxidants. Therefore they have capabilities of safeguarding skin against free radical damage and making your skin look much younger than its actual age! They are also a great food to keep away from wrinkles. 10 Reasons to eat oranges
  7. Safe for diabetics – Having a low glycemic index, orange is a safe fruit for diabetics. Despite of having a sweet taste, they don’t raise blood sugar levels to a high. Since diabetics need to be careful while eating sweet foods, eating oranges can gratify their taste buds and keep them healthy at the same time.
  8. Detoxification – Orange is packed with huge amount of anti-oxidants which help in movement of oxygen through the body. This detoxifies and purifies our body. 10 Reasons to eat oranges
  9. Prevents cancers – Orange is rich in lumonoids which protect human body from cancers. These could vary from cancer of skin, colon, breast, lung, stomach and mouth. In fact, having mandarin oranges provides effective protection against liver cancer. 10 Reasons to eat oranges
  10. Excellent food for relieving constipation – Full of dietary fiber and a sweet taste, oranges are mildly laxative. So having orange or drinking orange juice can provide a great relief to a constipated stomach.

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Pallavi born and brought up in Delhi. She completed her masters in Economics from Delhi. She has a great interest in reading and writing. Since her teenage she is very passionate about latest beauty and fashion trends. She has always been a close friend of nature and has a deep faith in nature and God. She believes that each and every creation of God has something to teach to humans. She has inherited a deep knowledge of use of various natural products for beauty treatments and remedies for day-to-day ailments from her mother. She is also the co-author of a book based on this concept- Beauty From the Kitchen.. Be Natural Be Young. The combination of love for nature and books motivated her to write in this direction. As a creative writer and an educated economist, she has interest in writing on various other subjects as well such as lifestyle, politics, fashion, business, finance, entertainment and a lot more. She truly believes that learning is a lifelong process and one should always be ready to learn from everything that comes across in life.

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